Sunday, April 3, 2011

Responsibilities of Modern Biologists

Man occupies the special position in the living world. Man is trying to understand nature and has been making efforts to control according to the needs. Man has solved a few of the problems, but there are still a number of problems like
Hazards of radiation, hunger, incurable diseases and steady of population increase and deterioration of environment. In some parts of the world due to nuclear explosion the environment becomes dangerously polluted. This has area effects on the
Plants and animals of that area and there are many appear some sudden changes in the characters if plants and animals. Modern zoologist is engaged in the solution of these problems.
In some underdeveloped countries people face malnutrition. This problem can be solved from our knowledge of biological sciences. The increasing population of a country is barrier to its progress and development. The available resources
For human life like food and houses are limited. Therefore, if population of a country goes on increasing it will be a problem for the country. All though the biologist have been able to find out the medicines for some medicines for some
Diseases, still there are some incurable diseases like cancer, heart diseases, allergy, etc for which no medicines have been yet discovered.
In addition to the above problems biologists of the world are serious in solving the problems like gene-synthesis, actual steps in some biological processes, origin of life, etc. One of the fastest growing fields of biological research is
Genetic engineering which involves synthesis and combination of different gene pools to produce desirable genotypes. Thus it is felt that the study of biology is not necessary but it is essential for human welfare.

Human Responsibilities for the Protection of the Earth

Nature is the source of supporting life. It must be kept balanced for which human being must try to follow and understand their responsibilities. Some of responsibilities are-
1. Natural resources must be properly utilized, recycled and conserved. We must find out the alternatives of natural resources.
2. Wild life especially endangered species must kept preserved by protecting habitant of wildlife.
3. Indiscriminate cutting of forest trees should be checked and hunting should be stopped. Afforestration programs should be encouraged.
4. Air, land, water or noise pollution must be avoided and make the environment free of pollution. Use of insecticides and pesticides should be discouraged.
5. Ecological imbalances such as green house effect, acid rain and depletion ozone layer are major concern with the human. These ecological imbalances can be minimized.
6. Must aware the people to follow the family planning strategies and make better hygienic conditions.


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